Tue, Oct 31
|Virtual Group Meditation
Global Freedom Initiative (virtual group meditation)
Co-creators unite to send the energies of freedom, forgiveness & unconditional love to the planet. Help to set ourselves, our mother, and our fellow brothers and sisters free! 🤟
Time & Location
Oct 31, 2023, 6:00 PM
Virtual Group Meditation
About the event
Let us come together to utilize the energies of Hallows Eve and the Solar eclipse to bring freedom to our beloved Earth mother and all of her children!
Right now, as wars break out, fears run high and we all feel the collective push from our mothers labor pains it can be hard to remember our power. We may sometimes feel powerless on our own, but WE ARE THE MANY!
For this virtual group meditation and invocation, we will gather on Zoom at 6pm CST/ 7 pm EST. If you are not able to join us virtually don't worry! I've included a visualization/meditation you can do at home at any point the day of, or up to 2 days after. (Please see below.)
The link for this free event will be sent out to anyone subscribed to our mailing list!!
Can't make it? Don't worry! You can join our collective intention and energies by doing this practice at home:
Breathe from your heart space
Send your grounding cord from your belly deep into the Earth, until you hit the crystal core. Breathe that light back up and anchor it into your heart.
Imagine a column of bright gold and white pearlescent light coming down from the sun and pouring into your crown. Then, have that light meet in your heart with your grounding cord.
Take a few deep breaths here and feel this light expand around you, with each breath calling more and more light into your auric field.
From this space invoke outloud:
“I now ask great Spirit & my highest self, to bring to light anywhere in my field, body or mind I am still holding on to victim patterning”
Allow this energy to scan your body & energy field. Whatever comes up, just witness without judgment. Let any feelings flow through you
Now invoke outloud:
“Thank you for these awarenesses. I now call upon Archangel Michael & his Legion of Angels, in the form of electric blue light, pour into me these aspects, the energies of forgiveness, empowerment, & freedom.”
Allow this blue light to cover you, filling the spaces you just released. Let it burn through each of your chakras. Imagine with each breath you are drinking in this energy until your field is saturated.
Now, Imagine this energy filling you so much it begins to expand you. First your room, then your house, your town, state, country, until it covers the whole planet in a brilliant fiery electric blue light.
Once the planet is covered invoke outloud:
“May the fires of forgiveness, empowerment & freedom surround this planet & every living being. Great spirit help to dissolve, heal, and uplift any chains, real, energetic, or imagined, placed on humanity and our Mother Earth.”
Now, imagine freedom coming to all. Imagine chains around the planet breaking, imagine people waking up from a haze and deep sleep. Imagine them running free and celebrating in the streets.
Now invoke out loud:
“I call upon a magenta pink fire of unconditional love & understanding, and send this healing fire to every and all world leaders, religious leaders, and people in positions of power.”
Imagine this healing fire - like fire works bursting forth from your heart - landing in the hearts of the planets most elite and those in positions of power. Covering them completely in the energies of unconditional love. (If this is hard for you, or there is specifically someone you really struggle with, this part is extra important for you and your personal freedom)
Declare out loud:
“Thank you. For I may not understand you, I may not like the things you have done, but I honor you as an aspect of me, of the ONE source. I trust that although I may not understand what is unfolding through you, that the Source that moves me, also moves you. I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.”
Once complete, see the planet covered in a blue, pink, and golden fire, of the three fold christ flame. Allow our beautiful Mother Earth to drink in from your pillar, as much of this scared love and healing as she needs. Breathing deeply as much of this energy as you need.
When you’re ready call your energy back into your aura, begin slowly retracting it until it is a bubble 3 ft around you from any side. Now, imagine a liquid diamond light creating an impenetrable shield around this bubble, sealing and locking in this transaction into your field.
Whenever you need to go back, you can go back to this space of freedom, empowerment, and unconditional love. Just imagine a blue, pink, and gold flame in your heart. And so it is.